New menu editing
From Platinum Arts Sandbox Free 3D Game Maker
the new UI is not provided by default, to access it, you will need to compile sandbox with -DNEWGUI
Windows Users
using codeblocks follow these steps after opening the project
- click on project
- click on build options
- click on defines
- type -DNEWGUI in the box that appears
Linux Users
users using codeblocks should follow the above steps, people using the Makefile follow these
- open the desired makefile in a text editor
- add -DNEWGUI into the CXXFLAGS string
- make clean && make install
How it works
It should be noted that even we are still trying to figure out how it works.
Each element has forks, or rather it's available actions. For each of these actions a child image needs to be provided (ie 2 forks requires 2 images). Some of the elements also require siblings (objects defined defined alongside it or above) and others require specific children.
There are also several terms that you'll come across a lot in here
- default: is when it's neither of the below
- hovering: is when your cursor is hovering over the element
- Selected: is when you clicked the element, this continues to be true as long as you hold the button
- arguments: Action Children
- forks: 3
- fork1: default
- fork2: hovering
- fork3: selected
- siblings: None
- children: None
- provided by: uibutton
- arguments: Image W-Size H-Size Children
- forks: 0
- siblings: None
- children: None
- provided by: uiimage
- arguments: Padding Children
- forks: 0
- siblings: None
- children: None
- provided by: uihlist uivlist
- arguments: Image W-Size H-Size Children
- forks: 5
- fork1: default
- fork2: hovering over up arrow
- fork3: selected up arrow
- fork4: hovering over down arrow
- fork5: selected down arrow
- siblings: Scroller
- children: ScrollButton
- provided by: uihscrollbar uivscrollbar
- arguments: Children
- forks: 3
- fork1: default
- fork2: hovering
- fork3: selected
- siblings: None
- children: None
- provided by: uiscrollbutton
- arguments: W-Size H-Size Children
- forks: 0
- siblings: None
- children: None
- provided by: uiscroll
- arguments: Name Children
- forks: 0
- siblings: None
- children: None
- provided by: uitag