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  • Gridwork is a term used to describe properly using the grid and gridsizes to create buildings and such in Sandbox in a way that is proportionally realistic and also doesn't cause major issues later on.

Gridwork Rules


  • These rules are from "MisanthropX", a member on the Quadropolis forums.

  default gridsizes we need:
  12~9 - only for copy big parts,like 1 part of a ctf map, not for real editing though
  8~7 - for copying smaller parts of the map, like houses, terrains etc
  6~5 - for building the Main layout, and making buildings, roofs etc, mountains, materials
  4 - default size for Crates, Terrain Size, materials
  3 - Size to hollow buildings, making doors, windows, wall thickness,
  2 - default size for planks, details, borders
  1~0 - Details only, you should NEVER ever create buildings with it
  Cause we want to avoid Lagness (WTR)
  WTR gives back the number of polygons in your map in k (k = kilo = 1000)
  think about like Lagness in Percentage, your map should have not more then 100k (%) WTR
  more then 100k causes lag, on good computers maps can have up to 200k~300k wtr
  but because Sauerbraten is a platform for poor computers too try to make it 100k
  for example Urban_C got 56k WTR, so it wont lag

  • and as later stated by RaZgRiz:

   Learn when its safe using a different gridsize than the one selected to make a change without ruining the selected area. I rely on you to expand this ^^


  • Leo_V117, from the Sandbox forums, also has a form of Gridwork Rules, found on [Tips on Making a Good Map].

  Uniform your mapping. Buildings always seem to light better if:
    You plan them with a grid size of 4. Create a decent floorplan out of a decent texture.
    Create doors at 3 in height and 2 in width using a grid size of 3.
    Windows are 2x2 grid size of 3.
    Stairs are 4x1 grid size 2.
    Walls are 1x grid size 2 in thickness.