How to add lava, water, glass and other materials to your map

From Platinum Arts Sandbox Free 3D Game Maker
Revision as of 18:24, 30 March 2012 by Chocolatepie33 (Talk | contribs)

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To add lava, water, glass, and other materials to you map you first have to select an area in editmode. After this you open the quickedit window, (F3) and go to the materials tab, then pick which material you wish to make this cube of. Click this material, exit edit mode and you have your very own block of lava, water, or glass.

The other method to doing this is using the console. Hit ` (above TAB), and type /editmat (materialname). Typing just /(materialname) works as well. This method can be a lot faster sometimes.

Effects of each material

Air: Creates a block of empty space! (Can be used to remove other materials.)

Clip: Creates an invisible wall. You can't go through this, and creatures can't either.

Glass: Creates a window effect.

Lava: Creates a burning wall of lava! (you will respawn if you walk into it.) Can also be used to make lavafalls.

Noclip: Allows you to make area (for example wall) penetrable (You can go though it!). You can lay this material over glass.

Water: Creates a swimming area! (What fun.) Also makes waterfalls.

Respawn: You will respawn from a playerstart. You can lay this material over water.

Gameclip: like clip, but it only affects creatures. You can go through this material while they can't.

Lava and Respawn can be changed so the player can go in and live (not respawn) with the /nastylava (1 or 0) commmand.

Tutorial by Nightmare2U, some fixes from Siimvuss, Chocolatepie33 added nastylava and falls info.