Model File Format Comparision

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  • There are many programs out there for creating, animating and editing 3D models. Each program has a variety of formats it can export to. Sandbox, however, currently only supports .md2, .md3, .md5, .obj, .smd and .iqm formats. What are these formats, and what do each of them do? How can you make them?


  • the md2 format originated in the idTech 2 engine and was used in Quake 2 and other games. The format is a vertex animation format, and can be used for static and simple animated models.


  • Blender (with plugins and correct version)
  • Milkshape
  • NPherno's md3 compiler (import)
  • Misfit Model 3D
  • Noesis


  • the md3 format was used in the Quake 3 engine and is relatively popular. An md3 model can be either static (no animations) or animated. The md3 format is better than the obj format for static models due to a smaller filesize. Many programs can export md3 via plugins or addons.


  • Blender (with plugins)
  • Misfit Model 3D
  • Milkshape
  • GMax...?
  • NPherno's md3 compiler (import, rebuild and export)
  • Noesis


  • The md5 format is a skeletal format made for Doom 3. The md5 format comes in two parts: mesh files and animation files, specifically md5mesh and md5anim files. More Info


  • Misfit Cubed, a modified version of Misfit Model 3D
  • Blender (with plugins)
  • Milkshape 3D (import, no export)
  • GMax...?
  • Noesis


  • the Wavefront OBJ format is a format created by WaveFront Technologies. It is a universally accepted format, with practically all modelling programs supporting it. There is no animation support, therefore all obj models are static models.


  • The smd format, also known as the studiomdl format, is a format used primarily by Valve's Source engine (which was used to power the Portal and Half-Life games). While Valve now uses the DMX format, Cube 2 and other engines support smd. You can use Blender to export the smd format by following this tutorial.


  • Blender (with plugins)
  • Milkshape
  • GMax
  • Noesis


  • the iqm format was created by Lee Salzman, a developer working for a variety of groups, including Sauerbraten and Red Eclipse. The iqm format was designed to replace md5 and smd and was inspired by the obj format. The iqm format is supported primarily by Blender, but iqm meshes can be imported into Noesis. The iqm format is similar to the md5 format in how it uses a mesh file and animation files, but both have the .iqm extension.


  • Blender
  • Noesis