Tips to make a night time map

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  • To start:
    • Change the ambient, or minimum light level, to a low number. Use /ambient ## ## ##, where the ##s are the RGB values. Focus on a more blue tone.
    • Change the skylight. You can use skylight to provide an overall soft light. /skylight ## ## ##.
    • If you have a moon, follow that by adding sunlight (moonlight). Point your cursor at the moon and use /getsundir to get the angle of the light. From there, use /sunlight ## ## ## with appropriate values to simulate moonlight. A soft white-yellow may work well, or possibly a white with a little more blue.
  • You can also add fog if it matches your map. /fog ## (where ## is amount/percent) and /fogcolour ## ## ##.
  • Don't forget to use a night skybox.