Clownfish's Step-By-Step Tutorials

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Step-By-Step Tutorials

NOTE: See related discussion thread in Sandbox Forum: CLICK HERE to see this discussion. If you'd prefer to see one of these tutorials created first, then please voice your opinion at this discussion thread.

NOTE: This is a temporary zone for me to hash out these tutorials before they are made visible on the front page. Then I plan on moving them in 1 by 1. :-D (-Clownfish)

NOTE: NOnly some of these Step-by-Step tutorials have been created yet.

NOTE: If you would like to help make some of these tutorials for the Sandbox community we'd be glad to have your help! :-D Create your wiki account and start contributing, or come here: Contact The Team tell us how you'd like to help out!

NOTE: If you help make a Step-by-Step tutorial, please try to:

1. Keep your wording very clear and easy to follow.

2. List steps in a numbered fashion (e.g.:

1. Do this
2. Look here
3. Go here
4. Rename this to
5. Move this here

3. Provide 'keywords', verbatim 'titles', and 'landmarks' often for users to 'look for' and 'follow along' with easily.

4. Provide pictures or video often ...(attached {preferably in case external host disappears} or linked)

5. Provide the type of operating system you based this Step-by-Step tutorial off of (e.g. Windows XP, Linux:Debian, Mac OSX)

NOTE: Lets agree on a 'Step-By-Step Tutorial' format so they look consistent. Suggest some format ideas via our forum on this discussion thread: CLICK HERE to see this discussion

Basically these are things I have learned to do in Sandbox over the past few months. Some of these ideas I have gathered from Sandbox gods like Calimer & Hirato ((Thanks for your time and effort guys :-D )), some I have found on this wiki, some I have found on the forum from our awesome sandbox community, and others I have stumbled upon myself.

Thanks! Let me know :-D -Clownfish

Using Sandbox

Learning the editor basics

TO DO tutorials

NOTE: Some of these step-by-step tutorials will contain fundamental info for learning sandbox, and other will just be ideas you can try for the fun of it. The latter is good stimuli for your imagination. Let see what you can do with these ideas when you take them and make them your new creations! :-D